The instance finalization function (optional).
Location of the instance initialization function (optional).
Size of the instance (object) structure.
Prior to GLib 2.10, it specified the number of pre-allocated (cached) instances to reserve memory for (0 indicates no caching). Since GLib 2.10, it is ignored, since instances are allocated with the [slice allocator][glib-Memory-Slices] now.
Resets a @value to the default value for @pspec (recommended, the default is gobject.value.Value.reset), see
The #GType of values conforming to this #GParamSpec
Ensures that the contents of @value comply with the specifications set out by @pspec (optional), see
Compares @value1 with @value2 according to @pspec (recommended, the default is memcmp()), see
This structure is used to provide the type system with the information required to initialize and destruct (finalize) a parameter's class and instances thereof.
The initialized structure is passed to the The type system will perform a deep copy of this structure, so its memory does not need to be persistent across invocation of