gobject.types.ParamFlags flags for this parameter
private gobject.type_instance.TypeInstance portion
name of this parameter: always an interned string
gobject.types.TYPE_FLAG_RESERVED_ID_BIT type that uses (introduces) this parameter
the gobject.value.Value type for this parameter
gobject.param_spec.ParamSpec encapsulates the metadata required to specify parameters, such as gobject.object.ObjectG properties.
Parameter names
A property name consists of one or more segments consisting of ASCII letters and digits, separated by either the - or _ character. The first character of a property name must be a letter. These are the same rules as for signal naming (see func@GObject.signal_new).
When creating and looking up a gobject.param_spec.ParamSpec, either separator can be used, but they cannot be mixed. Using - is considerably more efficient, and is the ‘canonical form’. Using _ is discouraged.