the @constructed function is called by gobject.object.ObjectG.new_ as the final step of the object creation process. At the point of the call, all construction properties have been set on the object. The purpose of this call is to allow for object initialisation steps that can only be performed after construction properties have been set. @constructed implementors should chain up to the @constructed call of their parent class to allow it to complete its initialisation.
the @constructor function is called by g_object_new () to complete the object initialization after all the construction properties are set. The first thing a @constructor implementation must do is chain up to the @constructor of the parent class. Overriding @constructor should be rarely needed, e.g. to handle construct properties, or to implement singletons.
emits property change notification for a bunch of properties. Overriding @dispatch_properties_changed should be rarely needed.
the @dispose function is supposed to drop all references to other objects, but keep the instance otherwise intact, so that client method invocations still work. It may be run multiple times (due to reference loops). Before returning, @dispose should chain up to the @dispose method of the parent class.
instance finalization function, should finish the finalization of the instance begun in @dispose and chain up to the @finalize method of the parent class.
the parent class
the generic getter for all properties of this type. Should be overridden for every type with properties.
the class closure for the notify signal
the generic setter for all properties of this type. Should be overridden for every type with properties. If implementations of @set_property don't emit property change notification explicitly, this will be done implicitly by the type system. However, if the notify signal is emitted explicitly, the type system will not emit it a second time.
The class structure for the GObject type.