Value | Meaning |
Readable1 | the parameter is readable |
Writable2 | the parameter is writable |
Readwrite3 | alias for G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE |
Construct4 | the parameter will be set upon object construction |
ConstructOnly8 | the parameter can only be set upon object construction |
LaxValidation16 | upon parameter conversion (see strict validation is not required |
StaticName32 | the string used as name when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8 |
Private32 | internal |
StaticNick64 | the string used as nick when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8 |
StaticBlurb128 | the string used as blurb when constructing the parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter. Since 2.8 |
ExplicitNotify1073741824 | calls to gobject.object.ObjectG.setProperty for this property will not automatically result in a "notify" signal being emitted: the implementation must call gobject.object.ObjectG.notify themselves in case the property actually changes. Since: 2.42. |
Deprecated2147483648 | the parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. A warning will be generated if it is used while running with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1. Since 2.26 |
Through the #GParamFlags flag values, certain aspects of parameters can be configured.