- addSelection
bool function(AtkText* text, int startOffset, int endOffset) addSelection;
- getBoundedRanges
AtkTextRange** function(AtkText* text, AtkTextRectangle* rect, AtkCoordType coordType, AtkTextClipType xClipType, AtkTextClipType yClipType) getBoundedRanges;
- getCaretOffset
int function(AtkText* text) getCaretOffset;
- getCharacterAtOffset
dchar function(AtkText* text, int offset) getCharacterAtOffset;
- getCharacterCount
int function(AtkText* text) getCharacterCount;
- getCharacterExtents
void function(AtkText* text, int offset, int* x, int* y, int* width, int* height, AtkCoordType coords) getCharacterExtents;
- getDefaultAttributes
AtkAttributeSet* function(AtkText* text) getDefaultAttributes;
- getNSelections
int function(AtkText* text) getNSelections;
- getOffsetAtPoint
int function(AtkText* text, int x, int y, AtkCoordType coords) getOffsetAtPoint;
- getRangeExtents
void function(AtkText* text, int startOffset, int endOffset, AtkCoordType coordType, AtkTextRectangle* rect) getRangeExtents;
- getRunAttributes
AtkAttributeSet* function(AtkText* text, int offset, int* startOffset, int* endOffset) getRunAttributes;
- getSelection
char* function(AtkText* text, int selectionNum, int* startOffset, int* endOffset) getSelection;
- getStringAtOffset
char* function(AtkText* text, int offset, AtkTextGranularity granularity, int* startOffset, int* endOffset) getStringAtOffset;
Gets a portion of the text exposed through
an AtkText according to a given offset and a specific
granularity, along with the start and end offsets defining the
boundaries of such a portion of text.
- getText
char* function(AtkText* text, int startOffset, int endOffset) getText;
- getTextAfterOffset
char* function(AtkText* text, int offset, AtkTextBoundary boundaryType, int* startOffset, int* endOffset) getTextAfterOffset;
Gets specified text. This virtual function
is deprecated and it should not be overridden.
- getTextAtOffset
char* function(AtkText* text, int offset, AtkTextBoundary boundaryType, int* startOffset, int* endOffset) getTextAtOffset;
Gets specified text. This virtual function
is deprecated and it should not be overridden.
- getTextBeforeOffset
char* function(AtkText* text, int offset, AtkTextBoundary boundaryType, int* startOffset, int* endOffset) getTextBeforeOffset;
Gets specified text. This virtual function
is deprecated and it should not be overridden.
- parent
GTypeInterface parent;
- removeSelection
bool function(AtkText* text, int selectionNum) removeSelection;
- scrollSubstringTo
bool function(AtkText* text, int startOffset, int endOffset, AtkScrollType type) scrollSubstringTo;
- scrollSubstringToPoint
bool function(AtkText* text, int startOffset, int endOffset, AtkCoordType coords, int x, int y) scrollSubstringToPoint;
- setCaretOffset
bool function(AtkText* text, int offset) setCaretOffset;
- setSelection
bool function(AtkText* text, int selectionNum, int startOffset, int endOffset) setSelection;
- textAttributesChanged
void function(AtkText* text) textAttributesChanged;
- textCaretMoved
void function(AtkText* text, int location) textCaretMoved;
- textChanged
void function(AtkText* text, int position, int length) textChanged;
the signal handler which is executed when there is a
text change. This virtual function is deprecated sice 2.9.4 and
it should not be overriden.
- textSelectionChanged
void function(AtkText* text) textSelectionChanged;