- activeDescendantChanged
void function(AtkObject* accessible, void** child) activeDescendantChanged;
- childrenChanged
void function(AtkObject* accessible, uint changeIndex, void* changedChild) childrenChanged;
- connectPropertyChangeHandler
uint function(AtkObject* accessible, AtkPropertyChangeHandler* handler) connectPropertyChangeHandler;
specifies a function to be called
when a property changes value. This virtual function is
deprecated since 2.12 and it should not be overriden. Connect
directly to property-change or notify signal instead.
- focusEvent
void function(AtkObject* accessible, bool focusIn) focusEvent;
The signal handler which is executed when there is a
focus event for an object. This virtual function is deprecated
since 2.9.4 and it should not be overriden. Use
the #AtkObject::state-change "focused" signal instead.
- getAttributes
AtkAttributeSet* function(AtkObject* accessible) getAttributes;
- getDescription
const(char)* function(AtkObject* accessible) getDescription;
- getIndexInParent
int function(AtkObject* accessible) getIndexInParent;
- getLayer
AtkLayer function(AtkObject* accessible) getLayer;
- getMdiZorder
int function(AtkObject* accessible) getMdiZorder;
- getNChildren
int function(AtkObject* accessible) getNChildren;
- getName
const(char)* function(AtkObject* accessible) getName;
- getObjectLocale
const(char)* function(AtkObject* accessible) getObjectLocale;
- getParent
AtkObject* function(AtkObject* accessible) getParent;
- getRole
AtkRole function(AtkObject* accessible) getRole;
- initialize
void function(AtkObject* accessible, void* data) initialize;
- pad1
AtkFunction pad1;
- parent
GObjectClass parent;
- propertyChange
void function(AtkObject* accessible, AtkPropertyValues* values) propertyChange;
- refChild
AtkObject* function(AtkObject* accessible, int i) refChild;
- refRelationSet
AtkRelationSet* function(AtkObject* accessible) refRelationSet;
- refStateSet
AtkStateSet* function(AtkObject* accessible) refStateSet;
- removePropertyChangeHandler
void function(AtkObject* accessible, uint handlerId) removePropertyChangeHandler;
removes a property changed handler
as returned by @connect_property_change_handler. This virtual
function is deprecated sice 2.12 and it should not be overriden.
- setDescription
void function(AtkObject* accessible, const(char)* description) setDescription;
- setName
void function(AtkObject* accessible, const(char)* name) setName;
- setParent
void function(AtkObject* accessible, AtkObject* parent) setParent;
- setRole
void function(AtkObject* accessible, AtkRole role) setRole;
- stateChange
void function(AtkObject* accessible, const(char)* name, bool stateSet) stateChange;
- visibleDataChanged
void function(AtkObject* accessible) visibleDataChanged;