- addFocusHandler
uint function(AtkComponent* component, AtkFocusHandler handler) addFocusHandler;
- boundsChanged
void function(AtkComponent* component, AtkRectangle* bounds) boundsChanged;
- contains
bool function(AtkComponent* component, int x, int y, AtkCoordType coordType) contains;
- getAlpha
double function(AtkComponent* component) getAlpha;
- getExtents
void function(AtkComponent* component, int* x, int* y, int* width, int* height, AtkCoordType coordType) getExtents;
- getLayer
AtkLayer function(AtkComponent* component) getLayer;
- getMdiZorder
int function(AtkComponent* component) getMdiZorder;
- getPosition
void function(AtkComponent* component, int* x, int* y, AtkCoordType coordType) getPosition;
This virtual function is deprecated since 2.12 and
it should not be overriden. Use @AtkComponentIface.get_extents instead.
- getSize
void function(AtkComponent* component, int* width, int* height) getSize;
This virtual function is deprecated since 2.12 and it
should not be overriden. Use @AtkComponentIface.get_extents instead.
- grabFocus
bool function(AtkComponent* component) grabFocus;
- parent
GTypeInterface parent;
- refAccessibleAtPoint
AtkObject* function(AtkComponent* component, int x, int y, AtkCoordType coordType) refAccessibleAtPoint;
- removeFocusHandler
void function(AtkComponent* component, uint handlerId) removeFocusHandler;
- scrollTo
bool function(AtkComponent* component, AtkScrollType type) scrollTo;
- scrollToPoint
bool function(AtkComponent* component, AtkCoordType coords, int x, int y) scrollToPoint;
- setExtents
bool function(AtkComponent* component, int x, int y, int width, int height, AtkCoordType coordType) setExtents;
- setPosition
bool function(AtkComponent* component, int x, int y, AtkCoordType coordType) setPosition;
- setSize
bool function(AtkComponent* component, int width, int height) setSize;
The AtkComponent interface should be supported by any object that is rendered on the screen. The interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology to determine and set the graphical representation of an object.