
Asynchronously creates a classWebsocketConnection to communicate with a remote server.

All necessary WebSocket-related headers will be added to msg, and it will then be sent and asynchronously processed normally (including handling of redirection and HTTP authentication).

If the server returns "101 Switching Protocols", then msg's status code and response headers will be updated, and then the WebSocket handshake will be completed. On success, soup.session.Session.websocketConnectFinish will return a new classWebsocketConnection. On failure it will return a #GError.

If the server returns a status other than "101 Switching Protocols", then msg will contain the complete response headers and body from the server's response, and soup.session.Session.websocketConnectFinish will return soup.types.WebsocketError.NotWebsocket.

class Session


msg soup.message.Message

#SoupMessage indicating the WebSocket server to connect to

origin string

origin of the connection

protocols string[]

a null-terminated array of protocols supported

ioPriority int

the I/O priority of the request

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

a #GCancellable

callback gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback

the callback to invoke