signal callback delegate or function to connect
void callback(soup.message.Message msg, soup.session.Session session)
msg the request that was queued (optional)
session the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to RequestQueued signal.
Emitted when a request is queued on session.
When sending a request, first signalSession::request-queued is emitted, indicating that the session has become aware of the request.
After a connection is available to send the request various classMessage signals are emitted as the message is processed. If the message is requeued, it will emit signalMessage::restarted, which will then be followed by other classMessage signals when the message is re-sent.
Eventually, the message will emit signalMessage::finished. Normally, this signals the completion of message processing. However, it is possible that the application will requeue the message from the "finished" handler. In that case the process will loop back.
Eventually, a message will reach "finished" and not be requeued. At that point, the session will emit signalSession::request-unqueued to indicate that it is done with the message.
To sum up: signalSession::request-queued and signalSession::request-unqueued are guaranteed to be emitted exactly once, but signalMessage::finished (and all of the other classMessage signals) may be invoked multiple times for a given message.