Creates a new empty #SoupMessage, which will connect to uri.
Adds flags to the set of msg's flags.
Connect to AcceptCertificate signal.
Connect to Authenticate signal.
Connect to Finished signal.
Connect to GotBody signal.
Connect to GotBodyData signal.
Connect to GotHeaders signal.
Connect to GotInformational signal.
Connect to HstsEnforced signal.
Connect to NetworkEvent signal.
Connect to RequestCertificate signal.
Connect to RequestCertificatePassword signal.
Connect to Restarted signal.
Connect to Starting signal.
Connect to WroteBody signal.
Connect to WroteBodyData signal.
Connect to WroteHeaders signal.
Disables the actions of ifaceSessionFeatures with the given feature_type (or a subclass of that type) on msg.
Returns the unique idenfier for the last connection used.
Gets msg's first-party glib.uri.Uri.
Gets the flags on msg.
Returns whether HTTP/1 version is currently demanded for the msg send.
Gets the HTTP version of msg.
Gets whether msg is intended to be used to send OPTIONS * to a server.
Returns if this message is set as a top level navigation.
Returns the method of this message.
Get the structMessageMetrics of msg.
Retrieves the enumMessagePriority.
Returns the reason phrase for the status of this message.
Get the remote gio.socket_address.SocketAddress of the connection associated with the message.
Returns the headers sent with the request.
Returns the headers recieved with the response.
Gets msg's site for cookies #GUri.
Returns the set status of this message.
Gets the name of the TLS ciphersuite negotiated for msg's connection.
Gets the peer's gio.tls_certificate.TlsCertificate associated with msg's connection.
Gets the errors associated with validating msg's TLS peer certificate. Note that this is not set yet during the emission of signalMessage::accept-certificate signal.
Gets the TLS protocol version negotiated for msg's connection.
Gets msg's URI.
Get whether ifaceSessionFeatures of the given feature_type (or a subclass of that type) are disabled on msg.
Determines whether or not msg's connection can be kept alive for further requests after processing msg.
Queries if flags are present in the set of msg's flags.
Removes flags from the set of msg's flags.
Sets first_party as the main document #GUri for msg.
Sets the specified flags on msg.
Sets whether HTTP/1 version should be used when sending this message. Some connections can still override it, if needed.
Set whether msg is intended to be used to send OPTIONS * to a server.
Sets whether the current request is a top-level navitation.
Set msg's HTTP method to method.
Sets the priority of a message.
Set the request body of a #SoupMessage.
Set the request body of a #SoupMessage from glib.bytes.Bytes.
Sets site_for_cookies as the policy URL for same-site cookies for msg.
Sets the certificate to be used by msg's connection when a client certificate is requested during the TLS handshake.
Sets msg's URI to uri.
Completes a certificate password request.
Creates a new #SoupMessage and sets it up to send the given encoded_form to uri via method. If method is "GET", it will include the form data into uri's query field, and if method is "POST" or "PUT", it will be set as request body.
Creates a new #SoupMessage and sets it up to send multipart to uri_string via POST.
Creates a new empty #SoupMessage, which will connect to uri.
Creates a new #SoupMessage to send OPTIONS * to a server. The path of base_uri will be ignored.
Set the GObject of a D ObjectG wrapper.
Get a pointer to the underlying C object.
Calls g_object_ref() on a GObject.
Calls g_object_unref() on a GObject.
Get the GType of an object.
GObject GType property.
Convenience method to return this cast to a type. For use in D with statements.
Template to get the D object from a C GObject and cast it to the given D object type.
Connect a D closure to an object signal.
Template for setting a GObject property.
Template for getting a GObject property.
Creates a binding between source_property on source and target_property on target.
Creates a binding between source_property on source and target_property on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.
This function is intended for #GObject implementations to re-enforce a floating[floating-ref] object reference. Doing this is seldom required: all #GInitiallyUnowneds are created with a floating reference which usually just needs to be sunken by calling gobject.object.ObjectG.refSink.
Increases the freeze count on object. If the freeze count is non-zero, the emission of "notify" signals on object is stopped. The signals are queued until the freeze count is decreased to zero. Duplicate notifications are squashed so that at most one #GObject::notify signal is emitted for each property modified while the object is frozen.
Gets a named field from the objects table of associations (see gobject.object.ObjectG.setData).
Gets a property of an object.
This function gets back user data pointers stored via gobject.object.ObjectG.setQdata.
Gets n_properties properties for an object. Obtained properties will be set to values. All properties must be valid. Warnings will be emitted and undefined behaviour may result if invalid properties are passed in.
Checks whether object has a floating[floating-ref] reference.
Emits a "notify" signal for the property property_name on object.
Emits a "notify" signal for the property specified by pspec on object.
Increase the reference count of object, and possibly remove the floating[floating-ref] reference, if object has a floating reference.
Releases all references to other objects. This can be used to break reference cycles.
Each object carries around a table of associations from strings to pointers. This function lets you set an association.
Sets a property on an object.
Remove a specified datum from the object's data associations, without invoking the association's destroy handler.
This function gets back user data pointers stored via gobject.object.ObjectG.setQdata and removes the data from object without invoking its destroy() function (if any was set). Usually, calling this function is only required to update user data pointers with a destroy notifier, for example:
Reverts the effect of a previous call to gobject.object.ObjectG.freezeNotify. The freeze count is decreased on object and when it reaches zero, queued "notify" signals are emitted.
This function essentially limits the life time of the closure to the life time of the object. That is, when the object is finalized, the closure is invalidated by calling gobject.closure.Closure.invalidate on it, in order to prevent invocations of the closure with a finalized (nonexisting) object. Also, gobject.object.ObjectG.ref_ and gobject.object.ObjectG.unref are added as marshal guards to the closure, to ensure that an extra reference count is held on object during invocation of the closure. Usually, this function will be called on closures that use this object as closure data.
Connect to Notify signal.
Represents an HTTP message being sent or received.
A #SoupMessage represents an HTTP message that is being sent or received.
You would create a #SoupMessage with soup.message.Message.new_ or soup.message.Message.newFromUri, set up its fields appropriately, and send it.
property@Message:status-code will normally be a enum@Status value, eg, soup.types.Status.Ok, though of course it might actually be an unknown status code. property@Message:reason-phrase is the actual text returned from the server, which may or may not correspond to the "standard" description of @status_code. At any rate, it is almost certainly not localized, and not very descriptive even if it is in the user's language; you should not use property@Message:reason-phrase in user-visible messages. Rather, you should look at property@Message:status-code, and determine an end-user-appropriate message based on that and on what you were trying to do.
Note that libsoup's terminology here does not quite match the HTTP specification: in RFC 2616, an "HTTP-message" is *either* a Request, *or* a Response. In libsoup, a #SoupMessage combines both the request and the response.