Value | Meaning |
Equal0 | equal buffers. |
ContentTypeMismatch1 | buffers with different #hb_buffer_content_type_t. |
LengthMismatch2 | buffers with differing length. |
NotdefPresent4 | .notdef glyph is present in the reference buffer. |
DottedCirclePresent8 | dotted circle glyph is present in the reference buffer. |
CodepointMismatch16 | difference in #hb_glyph_info_t.codepoint |
ClusterMismatch32 | difference in #hb_glyph_info_t.cluster |
GlyphFlagsMismatch64 | difference in #hb_glyph_flags_t. |
PositionMismatch128 | difference in #hb_glyph_position_t. |
Flags from comparing two #hb_buffer_t's.
Buffer with different #hb_buffer_content_type_t cannot be meaningfully compared in any further detail.
For buffers with differing length, the per-glyph comparison is not attempted, though we do still scan reference buffer for dotted circle and .notdef glyphs.
If the buffers have the same length, we compare them glyph-by-glyph and report which aspect(s) of the glyph info/position are different.