The possible feature types defined for AAT shaping, from Apple Font Feature Registry.
Initial, unset feature type
All Typographic Features
Cursive Connection
Letter Case
Vertical Substitution
Linguistic Rearrangement
Number Spacing
Smart Swash
Vertical Position
Overlapping Characters
Typographic Extras
Mathematical Extras
Ornament Sets
Character Alternatives
Design Complexity
Style Options
Character Shape
Number Case
Text Spacing
Kana Spacing
Ideographic Spacing
Unicode Decomposition
Ruby Kana
CJK Symbol Alternatives
Ideographic Alternatives
CJK Vertical Roman Placement
Italic CJK Roman
Case Sensitive Layout
Alternate Kana
Stylistic Alternatives
Contextual Alternatives
Lower Case
Upper Case
Language Tag
CJK Roman Spacing
The possible feature types defined for AAT shaping, from Apple Font Feature Registry.