The x position to be identified (relative to bin_window).
The y position to be identified (relative to bin_window).
A pointer to a gtk.tree_path.TreePath pointer to be filled in
A pointer to a gtk.tree_view_column.TreeViewColumn pointer to be filled in
A pointer where the X coordinate relative to the cell can be placed
A pointer where the Y coordinate relative to the cell can be placed
true if a row exists at that coordinate.
Deprecated: Use gtk.list_view.ListView or gtk.column_view.ColumnView instead
Finds the path at the point (x, y), relative to bin_window coordinates. That is, x and y are relative to an events coordinates. Widget-relative coordinates must be converted using gtk.tree_view.TreeView.convertWidgetToBinWindowCoords. It is primarily for things like popup menus. If path is non-null, then it will be filled with the gtk.tree_path.TreePath at that point. This path should be freed with If column is non-null, then it will be filled with the column at that point. cell_x and cell_y return the coordinates relative to the cell background (i.e. the background_area passed to gtk.cell_renderer.CellRenderer.render). This function is only meaningful if tree_view is realized. Therefore this function will always return false if tree_view is not realized or does not have a model.
For converting widget coordinates (eg. the ones you get from GtkWidget::query-tooltip), please see gtk.tree_view.TreeView.convertWidgetToBinWindowCoords.