signal callback delegate or function to connect
void callback(gtk.tree_path.TreePath path, gtk.tree_view_column.TreeViewColumn column, gtk.tree_view.TreeView treeView)
path the gtk.tree_path.TreePath for the activated row (optional)
column the gtk.tree_view_column.TreeViewColumn in which the activation occurred (optional)
treeView the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to RowActivated signal.
The "row-activated" signal is emitted when the method gtk.tree_view.TreeView.rowActivated is called.
This signal is emitted when the user double-clicks a treeview row with the propertyGtk.TreeView:activate-on-single-click property set to false, or when the user single-clicks a row when that property set to true.
This signal is also emitted when a non-editable row is selected and one of the keys: <kbd>Space</kbd>, <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Space</kbd>, <kbd>Return</kbd> or <kbd>Enter</kbd> is pressed.
For selection handling refer to the tree widget conceptual overview
as well as gtk.tree_selection.TreeSelection.