
Connect to MoveCursor signal.

The gtk.tree_view.TreeView::move-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal]gtk.signal_action.SignalAction which gets emitted when the user presses one of the cursor keys.

Applications should not connect to it, but may emit it with if they need to control the cursor programmatically. In contrast to gtk.tree_view.TreeView.setCursor and gtk.tree_view.TreeView.setCursorOnCell when moving horizontally gtk.tree_view.TreeView::move-cursor does not reset the current selection.

class TreeView
Flag!"After" after = No.After
if (
isCallable!T &&
is(ReturnType!T == bool)
Parameters!T.length < 1 ||
ParameterStorageClassTuple!T[0] == ParameterStorageClass.none &&
is(Parameters!T[0] == gtk.types.MovementStep)
Parameters!T.length < 2 ||
ParameterStorageClassTuple!T[1] == ParameterStorageClass.none &&
is(Parameters!T[1] == int)
Parameters!T.length < 3 ||
ParameterStorageClassTuple!T[2] == ParameterStorageClass.none &&
is(Parameters!T[2] == bool)
Parameters!T.length < 4 ||
ParameterStorageClassTuple!T[3] == ParameterStorageClass.none &&
is(Parameters!T[3] == bool)
Parameters!T.length < 5 ||
ParameterStorageClassTuple!T[4] == ParameterStorageClass.none &&
is(Parameters!T[4] : gtk.tree_view.TreeView)
Parameters!T.length < 6


callback T

signal callback delegate or function to connect

bool callback(gtk.types.MovementStep step, int direction, bool extend, bool modify, gtk.tree_view.TreeView treeView)

step the granularity of the move, as a gtk.types.MovementStep. gtk.types.MovementStep.LogicalPositions, gtk.types.MovementStep.VisualPositions, gtk.types.MovementStep.DisplayLines, gtk.types.MovementStep.Pages and gtk.types.MovementStep.BufferEnds are supported. gtk.types.MovementStep.LogicalPositions and gtk.types.MovementStep.VisualPositions are treated identically. (optional)

direction the direction to move: +1 to move forwards; -1 to move backwards. The resulting movement is undefined for all other values. (optional)

extend whether to extend the selection (optional)

modify whether to modify the selection (optional)

treeView the instance the signal is connected to (optional)

Returns true if step is supported, false otherwise.

after Flag!"After"

Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)

Return Value

Type: ulong

Signal ID