Creates a new gtk.gesture_stylus.GestureStylus.
Connect to Down signal.
Connect to Motion signal.
Connect to Proximity signal.
Connect to Up signal.
Returns the current values for the requested axes.
Returns the current value for the requested axis.
Returns the accumulated backlog of tracking information.
Returns the gdk.device_tool.DeviceTool currently driving input through this gesture.
Checks whether the gesture is for styluses only.
Sets the state of stylus-only
Returns the button number gesture listens for.
Returns the button number currently interacting with gesture, or 0 if there is none.
Returns the event sequence currently interacting with gesture.
Gets whether a gesture is exclusive.
Returns true if the gesture is only triggered by touch events.
Sets the button number gesture listens to.
Sets whether gesture is exclusive.
Sets whether to handle only touch events.
gtk.gesture_stylus.GestureStylus is a gtk.gesture.Gesture specific to stylus input.
The provided signals just relay the basic information of the stylus events.