Returns the accumulated backlog of tracking information.
By default, GTK will limit rate of input events. On stylus input
where accuracy of strokes is paramount, this function returns the
accumulated coordinate/timing state before the emission of the
current [Gtk.GestureStylus::motion] signal.
Returns the accumulated backlog of tracking information.
By default, GTK will limit rate of input events. On stylus input where accuracy of strokes is paramount, this function returns the accumulated coordinate/timing state before the emission of the current [Gtk.GestureStylus::motion] signal.
This function may only be called within a gtk.gesture_stylus.GestureStylus.motion signal handler, the state given in this signal and obtainable through gtk.gesture_stylus.GestureStylus.getAxis express the latest (most up-to-date) state in motion history.
The backlog is provided in chronological order.