Sets the level and profile on caps if it can be determined from audio_config. See and for more details on the parameters. caps must be audio/mpeg caps with an "mpegversion" field of either 2 or 4. If mpegversion is 4, the "base-profile" field is also set in caps.
Returns the channels of the given AAC stream.
Translates the sample rate to the index corresponding to it in AAC spec.
Determines the level of a stream as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3. For AAC LC streams, the constraints from the AAC audio profile are applied. For AAC Main, LTP, SSR and others, the Main profile is used.
Returns the profile of the given AAC stream as a string. The profile is normally determined using the AudioObjectType field which is in the first 5 bits of audio_config
Translates the sample rate index found in AAC headers to the actual sample rate.
Translates the sample rate index found in AAC headers to the actual sample rate.
Converts a RFC 6381 compatible codec string to #GstCaps. More than one codec string can be present (separated by ,).
Converts caps to a RFC 6381 compatible codec string if possible.
Sets the level and profile in caps if it can be determined from sps. See and for more details on the parameters.
Converts the level indication (level_idc) in the stream's sequence parameter set into a string. The SPS is expected to have the same format as for
Transform a level string from the caps into the level_idc
Converts the profile indication (profile_idc) in the stream's sequence parameter set into a string. The SPS is expected to have the following format, as defined in the H.264 specification. The SPS is viewed as a bitstream here, with bit 0 being the most significant bit of the first byte.
Parses profile, flags, and level from a H264 AVCC extradata/sequence_header. These are most commonly retrieved from a video/x-h264 caps with a codec_data buffer.
Sets the level, tier and profile in caps if it can be determined from profile_tier_level. See, and for more details on the parameters.
Converts the level indication (general_level_idc) in the stream's profile_tier_level structure into a string. The profiel_tier_level is expected to have the same format as for
Transform a level string from the caps into the level_idc
Converts the profile indication (general_profile_idc) in the stream's profile_level_tier structure into a string. The profile_tier_level is expected to have the following format, as defined in the H.265 specification. The profile_tier_level is viewed as a bitstream here, with bit 0 being the most significant bit of the first byte.
Converts the tier indication (general_tier_flag) in the stream's profile_tier_level structure into a string. The profile_tier_level is expected to have the same format as for
Sets the level and profile in caps if it can be determined from vis_obj_seq. See and for more details on the parameters.
Converts the level indication in the stream's visual object sequence into a string. vis_obj_seq is expected to be the data following the visual object sequence start code. Only the first byte (profile_and_level_indication) is used.
Converts the profile indication in the stream's visual object sequence into a string. vis_obj_seq is expected to be the data following the visual object sequence start code. Only the first byte (profile_and_level_indication) is used.
Creates Opus caps from the given OpusHead header and comment header comments.
List all available #GstEncodingTarget for the specified category, or all categories if categoryname is null.
Lists all #GstEncodingTarget categories present on disk.
Requests plugin installation without blocking. Once the plugins have been installed or installation has failed, func will be called with the result of the installation and your provided user_data pointer.
Checks whether plugin installation (initiated by this application only) is currently in progress.
Checks whether plugin installation is likely to be supported by the current environment. This currently only checks whether the helper script that is to be provided by the distribution or operating system vendor exists.
Requests plugin installation and block until the plugins have been installed or installation has failed.
Checks whether msg is a missing plugins message.
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via or
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a decoder element for a particular set of (fixed) caps is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via or
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a certain required element is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via or
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that an encoder element for a particular set of (fixed) caps is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.
Returns a localised string describing the missing feature, for use in error dialogs and the like. Should never return NULL unless msg is not a valid missing-plugin message.
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via or
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via or
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a sink element for a particular URI protocol is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.
Returns an opaque string containing all the details about the missing element to be passed to an external installer called via or
Creates a missing-plugin message for element to notify the application that a source element for a particular URI protocol is missing. This function is mainly for use in plugins.
Adds a codec tag describing the format specified by caps to taglist.
Returns flags that describe the format of the caps if known. No flags are set for unknown caps.
Returns a localised (as far as this is possible) string describing the media format specified in caps, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user. Should never return NULL unless caps is invalid.
Returns a localised string describing an decoder for the format specified in caps, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
Returns a localised string describing the given element, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
Returns a localised string describing an encoder for the format specified in caps, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
Returns a possible file extension for the given caps, if known.
Returns a localised string describing a sink element handling the protocol specified in protocol, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
Returns a localised string describing a source element handling the protocol specified in protocol, for use in error dialogs or other messages to be seen by the user.
Initialises the base utils support library. This function is not thread-safe. Applications should call it after calling, plugins should call it from their plugin_init function.
Gets the version number of the GStreamer Plugins Base libraries.
This function returns a string that is useful for describing this version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries to the outside world: user agent strings, logging, about dialogs ...