The prototype of the callback function that will be called once the external plugin installer program has returned. You only need to provide a callback function if you are using the asynchronous interface.
#GstEncodingTarget category for recording and capture. Targets within this category are optimized for low latency encoding.
#GstEncodingTarget category for device-specific targets. The name of the target will usually be the constructor and model of the device, and that target will contain #GstEncodingProfiles suitable for that device.
#GstEncodingTarget category for file extensions. The name of the target will be the name of the file extensions possible for a particular target. Those targets are defining like 'default' formats usually used for a particular file extension.
#GstEncodingTarget category for online-services. The name of the target will usually be the name of the online service and that target will contain #GstEncodingProfiles suitable for that online service.
#GstEncodingTarget category for storage, archiving and editing targets. Those targets can be lossless and/or provide very fast random access content. The name of the target will usually be the container type or editing target, and that target will contain #GstEncodingProfiles suitable for editing or storage.
The major version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries at compile time.
The micro version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries at compile time.
The minor version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries at compile time.
The nano version of GStreamer's gst-plugins-base libraries at compile time. Actual releases have 0, GIT versions have 1, prerelease versions have 2-...