
Converts the profile indication (general_profile_idc) in the stream's profile_level_tier structure into a string. The profile_tier_level is expected to have the following format, as defined in the H.265 specification. The profile_tier_level is viewed as a bitstream here, with bit 0 being the most significant bit of the first byte.

  • Bit 0:1 - general_profile_space
  • Bit 2 - general_tier_flag
  • Bit 3:7 - general_profile_idc
  • Bit 8:39 - gernal_profile_compatibility_flags
  • Bit 40 - general_progressive_source_flag
  • Bit 41 - general_interlaced_source_flag
  • Bit 42 - general_non_packed_constraint_flag
  • Bit 43 - general_frame_only_constraint_flag
  • Bit 44:87 - See below
  • Bit 88:95 - general_level_idc


profileTierLevel ubyte[]

Pointer to the profile_tier_level structure for the stream.

Return Value

Type: string

The profile as a const string, or null if there is an error.