Different types of supported background shading functions.
Result values for the discovery process.
You can use these flags to control what is serialized by gstpbutils.discoverer_info.DiscovererInfo.toVariant
Result codes returned by gstpbutils.global.installPluginsAsync and gstpbutils.global.installPluginsSync, and also the result code passed to the #GstInstallPluginsResultFunc specified with gstpbutils.global.installPluginsAsync.
Flags that are returned by gstpbutils.global.pbUtilsGetCapsDescriptionFlags and describe the format of the caps.
A baseclass for scopes (visualizers). It takes care of re-fitting the audio-rate to video-rate and handles renegotiation (downstream video size changes).
The #GstDiscoverer is a utility object which allows to get as much information as possible from one or many URIs.
#GstDiscovererStreamInfo specific to audio streams.
#GstDiscovererStreamInfo specific to container streams.
Structure containing the information of a URI analyzed by #GstDiscoverer.
Base structure for information concerning a media stream. Depending on the stream type, one can find more media-specific information in #GstDiscovererAudioInfo, #GstDiscovererVideoInfo, and #GstDiscovererContainerInfo.
#GstDiscovererStreamInfo specific to subtitle streams (this includes text and image based ones).
#GstDiscovererStreamInfo specific to video streams (this includes images).
Variant of #GstEncodingProfile for audio streams.
Encoding profiles for containers. Keeps track of a list of #GstEncodingProfile
The opaque base class object for all encoding profiles. This contains generic information like name, description, format and preset.
Collection of #GstEncodingProfile for a specific target or use-case.
Variant of #GstEncodingProfile for video streams, allows specifying the @pass.
Opaque context structure for the plugin installation. Use the provided API to set details on it.