The #GstDiscoverer is a utility object which allows to get as much information as possible from one or many URIs.
It provides two APIs, allowing usage in blocking or non-blocking mode.
The blocking mode just requires calling gstpbutils.discoverer.Discoverer.discoverUri with the URI one wishes to discover.
The non-blocking mode requires a running #GMainLoop iterating a #GMainContext, where one connects to the various signals, appends the URIs to be processed (through gstpbutils.discoverer.Discoverer.discoverUriAsync) and then asks for the discovery to begin (through gstpbutils.discoverer.Discoverer.start). By default this will use the GLib default main context unless you have set a custom context using glib.main_context.MainContext.pushThreadDefault.
All the information is returned in a #GstDiscovererInfo structure.
The #GstDiscoverer is a utility object which allows to get as much information as possible from one or many URIs.
It provides two APIs, allowing usage in blocking or non-blocking mode.
The blocking mode just requires calling gstpbutils.discoverer.Discoverer.discoverUri with the URI one wishes to discover.
The non-blocking mode requires a running #GMainLoop iterating a #GMainContext, where one connects to the various signals, appends the URIs to be processed (through gstpbutils.discoverer.Discoverer.discoverUriAsync) and then asks for the discovery to begin (through gstpbutils.discoverer.Discoverer.start). By default this will use the GLib default main context unless you have set a custom context using glib.main_context.MainContext.pushThreadDefault.
All the information is returned in a #GstDiscovererInfo structure.