Value | Meaning |
Success0 | all of the requested plugins could be installed |
NotFound1 | no appropriate installation candidate for any of the requested plugins could be found. Only return this if nothing has been installed. Return #GST_INSTALL_PLUGINS_PARTIAL_SUCCESS if some (but not all) of the requested plugins could be installed. |
Error2 | an error occurred during the installation. If this happens, the user has already seen an error message and another one should not be displayed |
PartialSuccess3 | some of the requested plugins could be installed, but not all |
UserAbort4 | the user has aborted the installation |
Crashed100 | the installer had an unclean exit code (ie. death by signal) |
Invalid101 | the helper returned an invalid status code |
StartedOk200 | returned by to indicate that everything went fine so far and the provided callback will be called with the result of the installation later |
InternalFailure201 | some internal failure has occurred when trying to start the installer |
HelperMissing202 | the helper script to call the actual installer is not installed |
InstallInProgress203 | a previously-started plugin installation is still in progress, try again later |
Result codes returned by and, and also the result code passed to the #GstInstallPluginsResultFunc specified with
These codes indicate success or failure of starting an external installer program and to what extent the requested plugins could be installed.