- GstReserved
void*[4] GstReserved;
- acquire
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf, GstAudioRingBufferSpec* spec) acquire;
allocate the resources for the ringbuffer using the given spec
- activate
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf, bool active) activate;
activate the thread that starts pulling and monitoring the
consumed segments in the device.
- clearAll
void function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) clearAll;
Clear the entire ringbuffer.
Subclasses should chain up to the parent implementation to
invoke the default handler.
- closeDevice
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) closeDevice;
- commit
uint function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf, ulong* sample, ubyte* data, int inSamples, int outSamples, int* accum) commit;
write samples into the ringbuffer
- delay
uint function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) delay;
get number of frames queued in device
- openDevice
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) openDevice;
open the device, don't set any params or allocate anything
- parentClass
GstObjectClass parentClass;
- pause
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) pause;
pause processing of samples
- release
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) release;
free resources of the ringbuffer
- resume
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) resume;
resume processing of samples after pause
- start
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) start;
start processing of samples
- stop
bool function(GstAudioRingBuffer* buf) stop;
stop processing of samples
The vmethods that subclasses can override to implement the ringbuffer.