Value | Meaning |
NotARenderNode0 | Error type. No node will ever have this type. |
ContainerNode1 | A node containing a stack of children |
CairoNode2 | A node drawing a cairo.surface.Surface |
ColorNode3 | A node drawing a single color rectangle |
LinearGradientNode4 | A node drawing a linear gradient |
RepeatingLinearGradientNode5 | A node drawing a repeating linear gradient |
RadialGradientNode6 | A node drawing a radial gradient |
RepeatingRadialGradientNode7 | A node drawing a repeating radial gradient |
ConicGradientNode8 | A node drawing a conic gradient |
BorderNode9 | A node stroking a border around an area |
TextureNode10 | A node drawing a gdk.texture.Texture |
InsetShadowNode11 | A node drawing an inset shadow |
OutsetShadowNode12 | A node drawing an outset shadow |
TransformNode13 | A node that renders its child after applying a matrix transform |
OpacityNode14 | A node that changes the opacity of its child |
ColorMatrixNode15 | A node that applies a color matrix to every pixel |
RepeatNode16 | A node that repeats the child's contents |
ClipNode17 | A node that clips its child to a rectangular area |
RoundedClipNode18 | A node that clips its child to a rounded rectangle |
ShadowNode19 | A node that draws a shadow below its child |
BlendNode20 | A node that blends two children together |
CrossFadeNode21 | A node that cross-fades between two children |
TextNode22 | A node containing a glyph string |
BlurNode23 | A node that applies a blur |
DebugNode24 | Debug information that does not affect the rendering |
GlShaderNode25 | A node that uses OpenGL fragment shaders to render |
TextureScaleNode26 | A node drawing a gdk.texture.Texture scaled and filtered. |
MaskNode27 | A node that masks one child with another. |
FillNode28 | A node that fills a path. |
StrokeNode29 | A node that strokes a path. |
SubsurfaceNode30 | A node that possibly redirects part of the scene graph to a subsurface. |
The type of a node determines what the node is rendering.