Each node has a parent, except the top-level node; each node may have
children nodes.
Each node has an associated drawing surface, which has the size of
the rectangle set when creating it.
Render nodes are meant to be transient; once they have been associated
to a gsk.renderer.Renderer it's safe to release any reference you have on
them. All gsk.render_node.RenderNodes are immutable, you can only specify their
properties during construction.
gsk.render_node.RenderNode is the basic block in a scene graph to be rendered using gsk.renderer.Renderer.
Each node has a parent, except the top-level node; each node may have children nodes.
Each node has an associated drawing surface, which has the size of the rectangle set when creating it.
Render nodes are meant to be transient; once they have been associated to a gsk.renderer.Renderer it's safe to release any reference you have on them. All gsk.render_node.RenderNodes are immutable, you can only specify their properties during construction.