Overrides the class closure (i.e. the default handler) for the given signal for emissions on instances of instance_type. instance_type must be derived from the type to which the signal belongs.
See gobject.global.signalChainFromOverridden and gobject.global.signalChainFromOverriddenHandler for how to chain up to the parent class closure from inside the overridden one.
the signal id
the instance type on which to override the class closure for the signal.
the closure.
Overrides the class closure (i.e. the default handler) for the given signal for emissions on instances of instance_type. instance_type must be derived from the type to which the signal belongs.
See gobject.global.signalChainFromOverridden and gobject.global.signalChainFromOverriddenHandler for how to chain up to the parent class closure from inside the overridden one.