
Blocks all handlers on an instance that match a certain selection criteria.

The criteria mask is passed as a combination of #GSignalMatchType flags, and the criteria values are passed as arguments. A handler must match on all flags set in mask to be blocked (i.e. the match is conjunctive).

Passing at least one of the G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_CLOSURE, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC or G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA match flags is required for successful matches. If no handlers were found, 0 is returned, the number of blocked handlers otherwise.

Support for G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID was added in GLib 2.78.


instance gobject.object.ObjectG

The instance to block handlers from.

mask gobject.types.SignalMatchType

Mask indicating which of signal_id, detail, closure, func and/or data the handlers have to match.

signalId uint

Signal the handlers have to be connected to.

detail glib.types.Quark

Signal detail the handlers have to be connected to.

closure gobject.closure.Closure

The closure the handlers will invoke.

func void*

The C closure callback of the handlers (useless for non-C closures).

Return Value

Type: uint

The number of handlers that matched.