
A predefined #GSignalAccumulator for signals intended to be used as a hook for application code to provide a particular value. Usually only one such value is desired and multiple handlers for the same signal don't make much sense (except for the case of the default handler defined in the class structure, in which case you will usually want the signal connection to override the class handler).

This accumulator will use the return value from the first signal handler that is run as the return value for the signal and not run any further handlers (ie: the first handler "wins").


ihint gobject.types.SignalInvocationHint

standard #GSignalAccumulator parameter

returnAccu gobject.value.Value

standard #GSignalAccumulator parameter

handlerReturn gobject.value.Value

standard #GSignalAccumulator parameter

dummy void*

standard #GSignalAccumulator parameter

Return Value

Type: bool

standard #GSignalAccumulator result