
Receives data (up to size bytes) from a socket.

This function is a variant of gio.socket.Socket.receive which returns a glib.bytes.Bytes rather than a plain buffer.

Pass -1 to timeout_us to block indefinitely until data is received (or the connection is closed, or there is an error). Pass 0 to use the default timeout from gio.socket.Socket.guint, or pass a positive number to wait for that many microseconds for data before returning gio.types.IOErrorEnum.TimedOut.

class Socket


size size_t

the number of bytes you want to read from the socket

timeoutUs long

the timeout to wait for, in microseconds, or -1 to block indefinitely

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

Return Value

Type: glib.bytes.Bytes

a bytes buffer containing the received bytes, or NULL on error