
Waits for up to timeout_us microseconds for condition to become true on socket. If the condition is met, true is returned.

If cancellable is cancelled before the condition is met, or if timeout_us (or the socket's #GSocket:timeout) is reached before the condition is met, then false is returned and error, if non-null, is set to the appropriate value (gio.types.IOErrorEnum.Cancelled or gio.types.IOErrorEnum.TimedOut).

If you don't want a timeout, use gio.socket.Socket.conditionWait. (Alternatively, you can pass -1 for timeout_us.)

Note that although timeout_us is in microseconds for consistency with other GLib APIs, this function actually only has millisecond resolution, and the behavior is undefined if timeout_us is not an exact number of milliseconds.

class Socket


condition glib.types.IOCondition

a #GIOCondition mask to wait for

timeoutUs long

the maximum time (in microseconds) to wait, or -1

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

a #GCancellable, or null

Return Value

Type: bool

true if the condition was met, false otherwise