
Finishes an operation started with gio.dbus_connection.DBusConnection.sendMessageWithReply.

Note that error is only set if a local in-process error occurred. That is to say that the returned #GDBusMessage object may be of type gio.types.DBusMessageType.Error. Use gio.dbus_message.DBusMessage.toGerror to transcode this to a #GError.

See this server[gdbus-server] and client[gdbus-unix-fd-client] for an example of how to use this low-level API to send and receive UNIX file descriptors.

class DBusConnection


res gio.async_result.AsyncResult

a #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to gio.dbus_connection.DBusConnection.sendMessageWithReply

Return Value

Type: gio.dbus_message.DBusMessage

a locked #GDBusMessage or null if error is set