
Like gio.dbus_connection.DBusConnection.callSync but also takes and returns #GUnixFDList objects. See gio.dbus_connection.DBusConnection.callWithUnixFdList and gio.dbus_connection.DBusConnection.callWithUnixFdListFinish for more details.

This method is only available on UNIX.


busName string

a unique or well-known bus name or null if connection is not a message bus connection

objectPath string

path of remote object

interfaceName string

D-Bus interface to invoke method on

methodName string

the name of the method to invoke

parameters glib.variant.VariantG

a #GVariant tuple with parameters for the method or null if not passing parameters

replyType glib.variant_type.VariantType

the expected type of the reply, or null

flags gio.types.DBusCallFlags

flags from the #GDBusCallFlags enumeration

timeoutMsec int

the timeout in milliseconds, -1 to use the default timeout or G_MAXINT for no timeout

fdList gio.unix_fdlist.UnixFDList

a #GUnixFDList or null

outFdList gio.unix_fdlist.UnixFDList

return location for a #GUnixFDList or null

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

a #GCancellable or null

Return Value

Type: glib.variant.VariantG

null if error is set. Otherwise a non-floating #GVariant tuple with return values. Free with glib.variant.VariantG.unref.