
Finishes an operation started with gio.dbus_connection.DBusConnection.callWithUnixFdList.

The file descriptors normally correspond to G_VARIANT_TYPE_HANDLE values in the body of the message. For example, if glib.variant.VariantG.getHandle returns 5, that is intended to be a reference to the file descriptor that can be accessed by g_unix_fd_list_get (*out_fd_list, 5, ...).

When designing D-Bus APIs that are intended to be interoperable, please note that non-GDBus implementations of D-Bus can usually only access file descriptors if they are referenced in this way by a value of type G_VARIANT_TYPE_HANDLE in the body of the message.


outFdList gio.unix_fdlist.UnixFDList

return location for a #GUnixFDList or null

res gio.async_result.AsyncResult

a #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to gio.dbus_connection.DBusConnection.callWithUnixFdList

Return Value

Type: glib.variant.VariantG

null if error is set. Otherwise a non-floating #GVariant tuple with return values. Free with glib.variant.VariantG.unref.