Creates a new data input stream for the base_stream.
Gets the byte order for the data input stream.
Gets the current newline type for the stream.
Reads an unsigned 8-bit/1-byte value from stream.
Reads a 16-bit/2-byte value from stream.
Reads a signed 32-bit/4-byte value from stream.
Reads a 64-bit/8-byte value from stream.
The asynchronous version of gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readLine. It is an error to have two outstanding calls to this function.
Finish an asynchronous call started by gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readLineAsync.
Reads a UTF-8 encoded line from the data input stream.
Reads an unsigned 16-bit/2-byte value from stream.
Reads an unsigned 32-bit/4-byte value from stream.
Reads an unsigned 64-bit/8-byte value from stream.
Reads a string from the data input stream, up to the first occurrence of any of the stop characters.
The asynchronous version of gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readUntil. It is an error to have two outstanding calls to this function.
Finish an asynchronous call started by gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readUntilAsync.
Reads a string from the data input stream, up to the first occurrence of any of the stop characters.
The asynchronous version of gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readUpto. It is an error to have two outstanding calls to this function.
Finish an asynchronous call started by gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readUptoAsync.
This function sets the byte order for the given stream. All subsequent reads from the stream will be read in the given order.
Sets the newline type for the stream.
Creates a new #GBufferedInputStream from the given base_stream, with a buffer set to size.
Tries to read count bytes from the stream into the buffer. Will block during this read.
Reads data into stream's buffer asynchronously, up to count size. io_priority can be used to prioritize reads. For the synchronous version of this function, see gio.buffered_input_stream.BufferedInputStream.fill.
Finishes an asynchronous read.
Gets the size of the available data within the stream.
Gets the size of the input buffer.
Peeks in the buffer, copying data of size count into buffer, offset offset bytes.
Returns the buffer with the currently available bytes. The returned buffer must not be modified and will become invalid when reading from the stream or filling the buffer.
Tries to read a single byte from the stream or the buffer. Will block during this read.
Sets the size of the internal buffer of stream to size, or to the size of the contents of the buffer. The buffer can never be resized smaller than its current contents.
Data input stream implements gio.input_stream.InputStream and includes functions for reading structured data directly from a binary input stream.