
Reads a string from the data input stream, up to the first occurrence of any of the stop characters.

In contrast to gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readUntil, this function does not consume the stop character. You have to use gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readByteData to get it before calling gio.data_input_stream.DataInputStream.readUpto again.

Note that stop_chars may contain '\0' if stop_chars_len is specified.

The returned string will always be nul-terminated on success.

class DataInputStream


stopChars string

characters to terminate the read

stopCharsLen ptrdiff_t

length of stop_chars. May be -1 if stop_chars is nul-terminated

length size_t

a #gsize to get the length of the data read in

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

optional #GCancellable object, null to ignore

Return Value

Type: string

a string with the data that was read before encountering any of the stop characters. Set length to a #gsize to get the length of the string. This function will return null on an error