gio.volume_monitor.VolumeMonitor is for listing the user interesting devices and volumes on the computer. In other words, what a file selector or file manager would show in a sidebar.
gio.volume_monitor.VolumeMonitor is not thread-default-context aware (see glib.main_context.MainContext.pushThreadDefault), and so should not be used other than from the main thread, with no thread-default-context active.
In order to receive updates about volumes and mounts monitored through GVFS, a main loop must be running.
gio.volume_monitor.VolumeMonitor is for listing the user interesting devices and volumes on the computer. In other words, what a file selector or file manager would show in a sidebar.
gio.volume_monitor.VolumeMonitor is not thread-default-context aware (see glib.main_context.MainContext.pushThreadDefault), and so should not be used other than from the main thread, with no thread-default-context active.
In order to receive updates about volumes and mounts monitored through GVFS, a main loop must be running.