- acceptCertificate
bool function(GTlsConnection* connection, GTlsCertificate* peerCert, GTlsCertificateFlags errors) acceptCertificate;
Check whether to accept a certificate.
- getBindingData
bool function(GTlsConnection* conn, GTlsChannelBindingType type, GByteArray* data, GError** _err) getBindingData;
Retrieve TLS channel binding data (Since: 2.66)
- getNegotiatedProtocol
const(char)* function(GTlsConnection* conn) getNegotiatedProtocol;
Get ALPN-negotiated protocol (Since: 2.70)
- handshake
bool function(GTlsConnection* conn, GCancellable* cancellable, GError** _err) handshake;
Perform a handshake operation.
- handshakeAsync
void function(GTlsConnection* conn, int ioPriority, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) handshakeAsync;
Start an asynchronous handshake operation.
- handshakeFinish
bool function(GTlsConnection* conn, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) handshakeFinish;
Finish an asynchronous handshake operation.
- padding
void*[6] padding;
- parentClass
GIOStreamClass parentClass;
The class structure for the #GTlsConnection type.