The interface for pollable input streams.
The default implementation of @can_poll always returns true.
The default implementation of @read_nonblocking calls gio.pollable_input_stream.PollableInputStream.isReadable, and then calls if it returns true. This means you only need to override it if it is possible that your @is_readable implementation may return true when the stream is not actually readable.
Checks if the #GPollableInputStream instance is actually pollable
Creates a #GSource to poll the stream
The parent interface.
Checks if the stream is readable
Does a non-blocking read or returns gio.types.IOErrorEnum.WouldBlock
The interface for pollable input streams.
The default implementation of @can_poll always returns true.
The default implementation of @read_nonblocking calls gio.pollable_input_stream.PollableInputStream.isReadable, and then calls if it returns true. This means you only need to override it if it is possible that your @is_readable implementation may return true when the stream is not actually readable.