- canEject
bool function(GMount* mount) canEject;
Checks if a #GMount can be ejected.
- canUnmount
bool function(GMount* mount) canUnmount;
Checks if a #GMount can be unmounted.
- changed
void function(GMount* mount) changed;
Changed signal that is emitted when the mount's state has changed.
- eject
void function(GMount* mount, GMountUnmountFlags flags, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) eject;
Starts ejecting a #GMount.
- ejectFinish
bool function(GMount* mount, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) ejectFinish;
Finishes an eject operation.
- ejectWithOperation
void function(GMount* mount, GMountUnmountFlags flags, GMountOperation* mountOperation, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) ejectWithOperation;
Starts ejecting a #GMount using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22.
- ejectWithOperationFinish
bool function(GMount* mount, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) ejectWithOperationFinish;
Finishes an eject operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22.
- gIface
GTypeInterface gIface;
- getDefaultLocation
GFile* function(GMount* mount) getDefaultLocation;
Gets a #GFile indication a start location that can be use as the entry point for this mount. Since 2.24.
- getDrive
GDrive* function(GMount* mount) getDrive;
Gets a #GDrive the volume of the mount is located on. Returns null if the #GMount is not associated with a #GDrive or a #GVolume. This is convenience method for getting the #GVolume and using that to get the #GDrive.
- getIcon
GIcon* function(GMount* mount) getIcon;
Gets a #GIcon for the #GMount.
- getName
char* function(GMount* mount) getName;
Gets a string containing the name of the #GMount.
- getRoot
GFile* function(GMount* mount) getRoot;
Gets a #GFile to the root directory of the #GMount.
- getSortKey
const(char)* function(GMount* mount) getSortKey;
Gets a key used for sorting #GMount instance or null if no such key exists. Since 2.32.
- getSymbolicIcon
GIcon* function(GMount* mount) getSymbolicIcon;
Gets a symbolic #GIcon for the #GMount. Since 2.34.
- getUuid
char* function(GMount* mount) getUuid;
Gets the UUID for the #GMount. The reference is typically based on the file system UUID for the mount in question and should be considered an opaque string. Returns null if there is no UUID available.
- getVolume
GVolume* function(GMount* mount) getVolume;
Gets a #GVolume the mount is located on. Returns null if the #GMount is not associated with a #GVolume.
- guessContentType
void function(GMount* mount, bool forceRescan, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) guessContentType;
Starts guessing the type of the content of a #GMount.
See gio.mount.Mount.guessContentType for more information on content
type guessing. This operation was added in 2.18.
- guessContentTypeFinish
char** function(GMount* mount, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) guessContentTypeFinish;
Finishes a content type guessing operation. Added in 2.18.
- guessContentTypeSync
char** function(GMount* mount, bool forceRescan, GCancellable* cancellable, GError** _err) guessContentTypeSync;
Synchronous variant of @guess_content_type. Added in 2.18
- preUnmount
void function(GMount* mount) preUnmount;
The ::pre-unmount signal that is emitted when the #GMount will soon be emitted. If the recipient is somehow holding the mount open by keeping an open file on it it should close the file.
- remount
void function(GMount* mount, GMountMountFlags flags, GMountOperation* mountOperation, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) remount;
Starts remounting a #GMount.
- remountFinish
bool function(GMount* mount, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) remountFinish;
Finishes a remounting operation.
- unmount
void function(GMount* mount, GMountUnmountFlags flags, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) unmount;
Starts unmounting a #GMount.
- unmountFinish
bool function(GMount* mount, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) unmountFinish;
Finishes an unmounting operation.
- unmountWithOperation
void function(GMount* mount, GMountUnmountFlags flags, GMountOperation* mountOperation, GCancellable* cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData) unmountWithOperation;
Starts unmounting a #GMount using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22.
- unmountWithOperationFinish
bool function(GMount* mount, GAsyncResult* result, GError** _err) unmountWithOperationFinish;
Finishes an unmounting operation using a #GMountOperation. Since 2.22.
- unmounted
void function(GMount* mount) unmounted;
The unmounted signal that is emitted when the #GMount have been unmounted. If the recipient is holding references to the object they should release them so the object can be finalized.
Interface for implementing operations for mounts.