Connect to ImagesUpdated signal.
Initializes the object implementing the interface.
Indicates that you are beginning the process of redrawing region on the context's surface.
Ends a drawing operation started with gdk.draw_context.DrawContext.beginFrame.
Retrieves the gdk.display.Display the context is created for
Retrieves the region that is currently being repainted.
Retrieves the surface that context is bound to.
Returns true if context is in the process of drawing to its surface.
Initializes the object implementing the interface.
gdk.vulkan_context.VulkanContext is an object representing the platform-specific Vulkan draw context.
gdk.vulkan_context.VulkanContexts are created for a surface using gdk.surface.Surface.createVulkanContext, and the context will match the characteristics of the surface.
Support for gdk.vulkan_context.VulkanContext is platform-specific and context creation can fail, returning null context.