Creates a new #SoupMultipartInputStream that wraps the gio.input_stream.InputStream obtained by sending the classMessage.
Obtains the headers for the part currently being processed.
Obtains an input stream for the next part.
Obtains a gio.input_stream.InputStream for the next request.
Finishes an asynchronous request for the next part.
Checks if stream is actually pollable. Some classes may implement #GPollableInputStream but have only certain instances of that class be pollable. If this method returns false, then the behavior of other #GPollableInputStream methods is undefined.
Creates a #GSource that triggers when stream can be read, or cancellable is triggered or an error occurs. The callback on the source is of the #GPollableSourceFunc type.
Checks if stream can be read.
Attempts to read up to count bytes from stream into buffer, as with If stream is not currently readable, this will immediately return gio.types.IOErrorEnum.WouldBlock, and you can use gio.pollable_input_stream.PollableInputStream.createSource to create a #GSource that will be triggered when stream is readable.
Gets the base stream for the filter stream.
Returns whether the base stream will be closed when stream is closed.
Sets whether the base stream will be closed when stream is closed.
Checks if stream is actually pollable. Some classes may implement #GPollableInputStream but have only certain instances of that class be pollable. If this method returns false, then the behavior of other #GPollableInputStream methods is undefined.
Creates a #GSource that triggers when stream can be read, or cancellable is triggered or an error occurs. The callback on the source is of the #GPollableSourceFunc type.
Checks if stream can be read.
Attempts to read up to count bytes from stream into buffer, as with If stream is not currently readable, this will immediately return gio.types.IOErrorEnum.WouldBlock, and you can use gio.pollable_input_stream.PollableInputStream.createSource to create a #GSource that will be triggered when stream is readable.
Handles streams of multipart messages.
This adds support for the multipart responses. For handling the multiple parts the user needs to wrap the gio.input_stream.InputStream obtained by sending the request with a class@MultipartInputStream and use soup.multipart_input_stream.MultipartInputStream.nextPart before reading. Responses which are not wrapped will be treated like non-multipart responses.
Note that although #SoupMultipartInputStream is a gio.input_stream.InputStream, you should not read directly from it, and the results are undefined if you do.