signal callback delegate or function to connect
bool callback(gio.tls_password.TlsPassword tlsPassword, soup.message.Message message)
tlsPassword the #GTlsPassword (optional)
message the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Returns true to handle the request, or false to make the connection fail with gio.types.TlsError.CertificateRequired.
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to RequestCertificatePassword signal.
Emitted during the msg's connection TLS handshake when tls_connection requests a certificate password from the client.
You can set the certificate password on password, then call soup.message.Message.tlsClientCertificatePasswordRequestComplete and return true to handle the signal synchronously. It's possible to handle the request asynchornously by calling gobject.object.ObjectG.ref_ on password, then returning true and call soup.message.Message.tlsClientCertificatePasswordRequestComplete
later after setting the password on password. Note that this signal is not emitted if propertySession:tls-interaction was set.