Remove unlocked items which match the attributes from the secret service.
Finish asynchronous operation to remove items from the secret service.
Remove unlocked items which match the attributes from the secret service.
Decode a structValue into glib.variant.VariantG received with the Secret Service DBus API.
Encodes a structValue into glib.variant.VariantG for use with the Secret Service DBus API.
Ensure that the #SecretService proxy has established a session with the Secret Service.
Finish an asynchronous operation to ensure that the #SecretService proxy has established a session with the Secret Service.
Ensure that the #SecretService proxy has established a session with the Secret Service.
Get the GObject type for collections instantiated by this service.
Get a list of classCollection objects representing all the collections in the secret service.
Get the flags representing what features of the #SecretService proxy have been initialized.
Get the GObject type for items instantiated by this service.
Get the set of algorithms being used to transfer secrets between this secret service proxy and the Secret Service itself.
Get the D-Bus object path of the session object being used to transfer secrets between this secret service proxy and the Secret Service itself.
Ensure that the #SecretService proxy has loaded all the collections present in the Secret Service.
Complete an asynchronous operation to ensure that the #SecretService proxy has loaded all the collections present in the Secret Service.
Ensure that the #SecretService proxy has loaded all the collections present in the Secret Service.
Lock items or collections in the secret service.
Complete asynchronous operation to lock items or collections in the secret service.
Lock items or collections in the secret service.
Lookup a secret value in the secret service.
Finish asynchronous operation to lookup a secret value in the secret service.
Lookup a secret value in the secret service.
Perform prompting for a classPrompt.
Complete asynchronous operation to perform prompting for a classPrompt.
Perform prompting for a classPrompt.
Search for items matching the attributes.
Complete asynchronous operation to search for items.
Search for items matching the attributes.
Assign a collection to this alias.
Finish an asynchronous operation to assign a collection to an alias.
Assign a collection to this alias. Aliases help determine well known collections, such as 'default'.
Store a secret value in the secret service.
Finish asynchronous operation to store a secret value in the secret service.
Store a secret value in the secret service.
Unlock items or collections in the secret service.
Complete asynchronous operation to unlock items or collections in the secret service.
Unlock items or collections in the secret service.
Disconnect the default #SecretService proxy returned by secret.service.Service.get and secret.service.Service.getSync.
Get a #SecretService proxy for the Secret Service.
Complete an asynchronous operation to get a #SecretService proxy for the Secret Service.
Get a #SecretService proxy for the Secret Service.
Create a new #SecretService proxy for the Secret Service.
Complete an asynchronous operation to create a new #SecretService proxy for the Secret Service.
Create a new #SecretService proxy for the Secret Service.
Finishes creating a #GDBusProxy.
Finishes creating a #GDBusProxy.
Like gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.newSync but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
Creates a proxy for accessing interface_name on the remote object at object_path owned by name at connection and synchronously loads D-Bus properties unless the gio.types.DBusProxyFlags.DoNotLoadProperties flag is used.
Creates a proxy for accessing interface_name on the remote object at object_path owned by name at connection and asynchronously loads D-Bus properties unless the gio.types.DBusProxyFlags.DoNotLoadProperties flag is used. Connect to the #GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal to get notified about property changes.
Like gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.new_ but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
Asynchronously invokes the method_name method on proxy.
Finishes an operation started with
Synchronously invokes the method_name method on proxy.
Like but also takes a #GUnixFDList object.
Finishes an operation started with gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.callWithUnixFdList.
Like gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.callSync but also takes and returns #GUnixFDList objects.
Looks up the value for a property from the cache. This call does no blocking IO.
Gets the names of all cached properties on proxy.
Gets the connection proxy is for.
Gets the timeout to use if -1 (specifying default timeout) is passed as timeout_msec in the and gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.callSync functions.
Gets the flags that proxy was constructed with.
Returns the #GDBusInterfaceInfo, if any, specifying the interface that proxy conforms to. See the #GDBusProxy:g-interface-info property for more details.
Gets the D-Bus interface name proxy is for.
Gets the name that proxy was constructed for.
The unique name that owns the name that proxy is for or null if no-one currently owns that name. You may connect to the #GObject::notify signal to track changes to the #GDBusProxy:g-name-owner property.
Gets the object path proxy is for.
If value is not null, sets the cached value for the property with name property_name to the value in value.
Sets the timeout to use if -1 (specifying default timeout) is passed as timeout_msec in the and gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.callSync functions.
Ensure that interactions with proxy conform to the given interface. See the #GDBusProxy:g-interface-info property for more details.
Connect to GPropertiesChanged signal.
Connect to GSignal signal.
A proxy object representing the Secret Service.
A #SecretService object represents the Secret Service implementation which runs as a D-Bus service.
Normally a single #SecretService object can be shared between multiple callers. The secret.service.Service.get method is used to access this #SecretService object. If a new independent #SecretService object is required, use
In order to securely transfer secrets to the Sercret Service, a session is established. This session can be established while initializing a #SecretService object by passing the secret.types.ServiceFlags.OpenSession flag to the secret.service.Service.get or functions. In order to establish a session on an already existing #SecretService, use the secret.service.Service.ensureSession function.
To search for items, use the method.
Multiple collections can exist in the Secret Service, each of which contains secret items. In order to instantiate class@Collection objects which represent those collections while initializing a #SecretService then pass the secret.types.ServiceFlags.LoadCollections flag to the secret.service.Service.get or functions. In order to establish a session on an already existing #SecretService, use the secret.service.Service.loadCollections function. To access the list of collections use secret.service.Service.getCollections.
Certain actions on the Secret Service require user prompting to complete, such as creating a collection, or unlocking a collection. When such a prompt is necessary, then a class@Prompt object is created by this library, and passed to the secret.service.Service.prompt method. In this way it is handled automatically.
In order to customize prompt handling, override the vfunc@Service.prompt_async and vfunc@Service.prompt_finish virtual methods of the #SecretService class.