signal callback delegate or function to connect
void callback(glib.variant.VariantG changedProperties, string[] invalidatedProperties, gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy dBusProxy)
changedProperties A #GVariant containing the properties that changed (type: a{sv}) (optional)
invalidatedProperties A null terminated array of properties that was invalidated (optional)
dBusProxy the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to GPropertiesChanged signal.
Emitted when one or more D-Bus properties on proxy changes. The local cache has already been updated when this signal fires. Note that both changed_properties and invalidated_properties are guaranteed to never be null (either may be empty though).
If the proxy has the flag gio.types.DBusProxyFlags.GetInvalidatedProperties set, then invalidated_properties will always be empty.
This signal corresponds to the PropertiesChanged D-Bus signal on the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface.