Complete asynchronous operation to delete the secret item.
Delete this secret item.
Delete this item.
Set the attributes of this item.
Get the created date and time of the item.
Get the flags representing what features of the #SecretItem proxy have been initialized.
Get the label of this item.
Get whether the item is locked or not.
Get the modified date and time of the item.
Gets the name of the schema that this item was stored with. This is also available at the xdg:schema attribute.
Get the secret value of this item.
Get the Secret Service object that this item was created with.
Load the secret value of this item.
Complete asynchronous operation to load the secret value of this item.
Load the secret value of this item.
Refresh the properties on this item.
Set the attributes of this item.
Complete operation to set the attributes of this item.
Set the attributes of this item.
Set the label of this item.
Complete asynchronous operation to set the label of this collection.
Set the label of this item.
Set the secret value of this item.
Complete asynchronous operation to set the secret value of this item.
Set the secret value of this item.
Create a new item in the secret service.
Finish operation to create a new item in the secret service.
Create a new item in the secret service.
Load the secret values for a secret item stored in the service.
Complete asynchronous operation to load the secret values for secret items stored in the service.
Load the secret values for a secret item stored in the service.
Get the attributes of this object.
Get the created date and time of the object.
Get the label of this item.
Get the modified date and time of the object.
Retrieve the secret value of this object.
Complete asynchronous operation to retrieve the secret value of this object.
Retrieve the secret value of this object synchronously.
Finishes creating a #GDBusProxy.
Finishes creating a #GDBusProxy.
Like gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.newSync but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
Creates a proxy for accessing interface_name on the remote object at object_path owned by name at connection and synchronously loads D-Bus properties unless the gio.types.DBusProxyFlags.DoNotLoadProperties flag is used.
Creates a proxy for accessing interface_name on the remote object at object_path owned by name at connection and asynchronously loads D-Bus properties unless the gio.types.DBusProxyFlags.DoNotLoadProperties flag is used. Connect to the #GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal to get notified about property changes.
Like gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.new_ but takes a #GBusType instead of a #GDBusConnection.
Asynchronously invokes the method_name method on proxy.
Finishes an operation started with
Synchronously invokes the method_name method on proxy.
Like but also takes a #GUnixFDList object.
Finishes an operation started with gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.callWithUnixFdList.
Like gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.callSync but also takes and returns #GUnixFDList objects.
Looks up the value for a property from the cache. This call does no blocking IO.
Gets the names of all cached properties on proxy.
Gets the connection proxy is for.
Gets the timeout to use if -1 (specifying default timeout) is passed as timeout_msec in the and gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.callSync functions.
Gets the flags that proxy was constructed with.
Returns the #GDBusInterfaceInfo, if any, specifying the interface that proxy conforms to. See the #GDBusProxy:g-interface-info property for more details.
Gets the D-Bus interface name proxy is for.
Gets the name that proxy was constructed for.
The unique name that owns the name that proxy is for or null if no-one currently owns that name. You may connect to the #GObject::notify signal to track changes to the #GDBusProxy:g-name-owner property.
Gets the object path proxy is for.
If value is not null, sets the cached value for the property with name property_name to the value in value.
Sets the timeout to use if -1 (specifying default timeout) is passed as timeout_msec in the and gio.dbus_proxy.DBusProxy.callSync functions.
Ensure that interactions with proxy conform to the given interface. See the #GDBusProxy:g-interface-info property for more details.
Connect to GPropertiesChanged signal.
Connect to GSignal signal.
Get the attributes of this object.
Get the created date and time of the object.
Get the label of this item.
Get the modified date and time of the object.
Retrieve the secret value of this object.
Complete asynchronous operation to retrieve the secret value of this object.
Retrieve the secret value of this object synchronously.
A secret item
#SecretItem represents a secret item stored in the Secret Service.
Each item has a value, represented by a struct@Value, which can be retrieved by secret.item.Item.getSecret or set by secret.item.Item.setSecret. The item is only available when the item is not locked.
Items can be locked or unlocked using the secret.service.Service.lock or secret.service.Service.unlock functions. The Secret Service may not be able to unlock individual items, and may unlock an entire collection when a single item is unlocked.
Each item has a set of attributes, which are used to locate the item later. These are not stored or transferred in a secure manner. Each attribute has a string name and a string value. Use to search for items based on their attributes, and secret.item.Item.setAttributes to change the attributes associated with an item.
Items can be created with secret.item.Item.create or