
Create a new collection in the secret service.

This method may block indefinitely and should not be used in user interface threads. The secret service may prompt the user. secret.service.Service.prompt will be used to handle any prompts that are required.

An alias is a well-known tag for a collection, such as default (ie: the default collection to store items in). This allows other applications to easily identify and share a collection. If you specify an alias, and a collection with that alias already exists, then a new collection will not be created. The previous one will be returned instead.

If service is null, then secret.service.Service.getSync will be called to get the default classService proxy.


service secret.service.Service

a secret service object

label string

label for the new collection

alias_ string

alias to assign to the collection

flags secret.types.CollectionCreateFlags

currently unused

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

optional cancellation object

Return Value

Type: secret.collection.Collection

the new collection, which should be unreferenced with gobject.object.ObjectG.unref