
Advances the iterator and retrieves the next member in the object.

If the end of the object is reached, FALSE is returned and member_name and member_node are set to invalid values. After that point, the iter is invalid.

The order in which members are returned by the iterator is the same order in which the members were added to the json.object.ObjectJson. The iterator is invalidated if its json.object.ObjectJson is modified during iteration.

You must use this function with an iterator initialized with json.object_iter.ObjectIter.initOrdered; using this function with an iterator initialized with json.object_iter.ObjectIter.init_ yields undefined behavior.

See also: json.object_iter.ObjectIter.next

class ObjectIter


memberName string

return location for the member name, or null to ignore

memberNode json.node.Node

return location for the member value, or null to ignore

Return Value

Type: bool

TRUE if member_name and member_node are valid; FALSE if the end of the object has been reached