Creates a new node holding the given type.
Copies node.
Retrieves the JSON array inside node.
Retrieves the object inside node.
Gets a copy of the string value stored inside a node.
Check whether a and b are equal node, meaning they have the same type and same values (checked recursively).
Retrieves the JSON array stored inside a node.
Gets the boolean value stored inside a node.
Gets the double value stored inside a node.
Gets the integer value stored inside a node.
Retrieves the type of a node.
Retrieves the object stored inside a node.
Retrieves the parent node of the given node.
Gets the string value stored inside a node.
Retrieves a value from a node and copies into value.
Returns the gobject.types.TYPE_FLAG_RESERVED_ID_BIT of the payload of the node.
Calculate a hash value for the given key.
Initializes node to json.types.NodeType.Array and sets array into it.
Initializes node to json.types.NodeType.Value and sets value into it.
Initializes node to json.types.NodeType.Value and sets value into it.
Initializes node to json.types.NodeType.Value and sets value into it.
Initializes node to json.types.NodeType.Null.
Initializes node to json.types.NodeType.Object and sets object into it.
Initializes node to json.types.NodeType.Value and sets value into it.
Initializes a node to a specific type.
Check whether the given node has been marked as immutable by calling json.node.Node.seal on it.
Checks whether node is a json.types.NodeType.Null.
Seals the given node, making it immutable to further changes.
Sets array inside node.
Sets value as the boolean content of the node, replacing any existing content.
Sets value as the double content of the node, replacing any existing content.
Sets value as the integer content of the node, replacing any existing content.
Sets objects inside node.
Sets the parent node for the given node.
Sets value as the string content of the node, replacing any existing content.
Sets a scalar value inside the given node.
Sets array inside node.
Sets object inside node.
Retrieves the user readable name of the data type contained by node.
Allocates a new, uninitialized node.
Pointer to the C boxed value
Get the GType of this boxed type.
Boxed GType property.
Convenience method to return this cast to a type. For use in D with statements.
Make a copy of the wrapped C boxed data.
Copy a C boxed value using g_boxed_copy.
Free a C boxed value using g_boxed_free.
A generic container of JSON data types.
json.node.Node can contain fundamental types (integers, booleans, floating point numbers, strings) and complex types (arrays and objects).
When parsing a JSON data stream you extract the root node and walk the node tree by retrieving the type of data contained inside the node with the JSON_NODE_TYPE macro. If the node contains a fundamental type you can retrieve a copy of the gobject.value.Value holding it with the json.node.Node.getValue function, and then use the gobject.value.Value API to extract the data; if the node contains a complex type you can retrieve the json.object.ObjectJson or the json.array.Array using json.node.Node.getObject or json.node.Node.getArray respectively, and then retrieve the nodes they contain.
A json.node.Node may be marked as immutable using json.node.Node.seal. This marks the node and all its descendents as read-only, and means that subsequent calls to setter functions (such as json.node.Node.setArray) on them will abort as a programmer error. By marking a node tree as immutable, it may be referenced in multiple places and its hash value cached for fast lookups, without the possibility of a value deep within the tree changing and affecting hash values. Immutable nodes may be passed to functions which retain a reference to them without needing to take a copy.
A json.node.Node supports two types of memory management: malloc/free semantics, and reference counting semantics. The two may be mixed to a limited extent: nodes may be allocated (which gives them a reference count of 1), referenced one or more times, unreferenced exactly that number of times (using json.node.Node.unref), then either unreferenced exactly once more or freed (using to destroy them. The function must not be used when a node might have a reference count not equal to 1. To this end, JSON-GLib uses json.node.Node.copy and json.node.Node.unref internally.