the orientation to measure
Size for the opposite of orientation, i.e. if orientation is gtk.types.Orientation.Horizontal, this is the height the widget should be measured with. The gtk.types.Orientation.Vertical case is analogous. This way, both height-for-width and width-for-height requests can be implemented. If no size is known, -1 can be passed.
location to store the minimum size
location to store the natural size
location to store the baseline position for the minimum size, or -1 to report no baseline
location to store the baseline position for the natural size, or -1 to report no baseline
Measures widget in the orientation orientation and for the given for_size.
As an example, if orientation is gtk.types.Orientation.Horizontal and for_size is 300, this functions will compute the minimum and natural width of widget if it is allocated at a height of 300 pixels.
See GtkWidget’s geometry management section for a more details on implementing GtkWidgetClass.measure().